Month: January 2006

Asthma symptoms gone, even in London pollution

Asthma symptoms gone, even in London pollution

Asthma symptoms that I got last year living in sub-standard housing (a huge understatement) had stayed with me more-or-less until very recently. A few days ago, in fact. I found out that I had acquired a problem with Acetylcholine in both of my lungs and so have been treating myself with EFT and muscle-testing regularly to find out if there has been any change. Last night and for the first time ever,I tested clear on "Problem with Acetylcholine". Today all day, I have been clear on Acetylcholine. Late this morning, I went out to a particularly polluted London atmosphere in the freezing damp cold and not having taken any medication since last night. I was just fine.Muscle-testing is when you ask one of your body's muscles to tell you what is wrong with your body. When you exert pressure on this muscle whilst your body is OK with certain substances, this muscle stays strong and firm. When you exert pressure on this muscle whilst your body is OK with certain substances, this muscle stays goes weak and gives way. Before I was tested like this for the first time, if you had told…
Allergy booster treatment

Allergy booster treatment

Allergic to cats? How can you tell? Well... Kai the cat did her thing where she walks on me in the morning to ensure I wake up. On stroking her, her fur felt a bit rough and I knew that meant that my body was not fully accepting her. All I then did was a Basic Recipe EFT on "This cat allergy" and stopped 3/4 of the way through, when her fur felt beautifully soft again. She came up to my face and rubbed her nose and mouth with mine (please do as I say not as I do, it's not hygenic), and I had a cut on my lip. I felt the wetness from her nose and mouth and my lips stayed down. Her fur got into my nose; it tickled and I wiped it away without incident. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and…
Weight Loss EFT in London Pret

Weight Loss EFT in London Pret

Weight loss is an important part of my physical rehabilitation and now I am finally at the stage in my EFT treatment where I have healed many issues contributing to my smokers lung and losing weight, which used to be low priority, is now about at the top of the stack of priorities. In other words, I have taken the topmost layers off and now got to the weight loss one.Today after a clinic treatment, a home visit and some travel, I was hungry and my body was asking for a light chocolate dessert. So I went into the local Pret in Carnaby Street and bought a chocolate cake and a chocolate mousse. I ate what I wanted of each, then I started feeling the emotional need to finish them off. So I sat there in Pret tapping my finger points on each other:"Even though I need to finish this, I deeply love and accept myself""Even though I can't afford to buy good food and leave half of it, I understand that I have enough food at home, even though I'm skint at the moment, it's pretty good food, even if I were…
Lung Disease Triumph with EFT

Lung Disease Triumph with EFT

Eleven Minutes at 100 RPM on the gym bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!  I did 3 intervals at 100 RPM, aiming for 9 minutes, which still would have been a record for the last 2 years. I tapped on the finger points as I said "two minutes, two minutes..." till it became 2 minutes. I kept going, saying "3 minutes, 3 minutes..." as I tapped. At the hardestparts, I rubbed both KCs against both sets of UNs (Points from bottom of female underwire or such a bra, or where it would be if a male was wearing it, directly under the breast to the bottom of the ribcage, a slight adaptation on the EFT one UN point). That helps me a lot. A record since 2 years ago. I'm so thrilled. And that's not all!!!!!! I took my medication this morning at 8 AM. On my way to work, I realised I had none on me, and that's when I realised I was well enough to do without.On the way to the gym, I tapped the finger points to release the fear of being without meds and having a record-breaking 9 minutes as my goal. I…
Gym Motivation and Excellence with EFT

Gym Motivation and Excellence with EFT

This smokers lung is getting better! 8 Minutes, a whole 8 minutes at 100 RPM on the bike today in intervals of between 1-2 minutes. It took an hour but I tapped almost all the way through, and I'm so happy and so tapped out and so ....breathing in.... full of lovely oxygen you have to peel me off the ceiling!  This is what I did. I got to the gym and warmed up 15 minutes on the bike doing between 60 and 75 RPM. Then I went to the weights and strengthened the muscles in my back and shoulders that got weakened when I had to sleep rigidly on my shoulder for postural drainage last year. Then I went upstairs to the studio in the gym and did a very mild dance class. After the dance class, I did most of a Pilates class, but the teacher was not very understanding and gave exercises that are just not right for my physique (I have particularly bony legs at the hips and sensitive veins), so I excused myself and went back to the gym downstairs. Now some people think they must become "normal"…
Losing Weight Under Pressure

Losing Weight Under Pressure

Got up to another day of mega pressure. To explain, anyone with a chronic disease has some major problem or other surface every now and then on the practical side of things, which requires a herculian effort to deal with. I deliberately allow my language to flow as I do the treatment so that you, the reader, can get an understanding of how this works. Sore Spot, Setup:"All this pressure of ..... , I deeply and completely and totally love and accept myself" Reminder, all the points + top of head + UN: "All this pressure of ......" I feel energised for the gym after work today and my appetite feels normal, no cravings for comfort food. I had a banana and it was delicious. I think I'll have a cup of tea now and get ready for my home visits. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home…
Weight Loss Blip by London EFT Practitioner

Weight Loss Blip by London EFT Practitioner

I put my hands up, I've done it too...When you have a chronic disease, every now and then something happens which you just can't control and is an indirect effect of having been long-term ill. Today I had just such a stressful day. This kind of day isn't an able-bodied kind of stressful day. It's a chronically-ill person kind of stressful day, which if you're not chronically ill, you just have no idea what it's really like and I will spare you the details. I tapped as I worked, tapped to overcome the temptation to comfort-eat at the computer as I worked, and then ate more than I had intended although less than if I had not tapped. So I stopped and tapped for the stressful events and the "poor me" feelings. Tapping some more now. Setup and Reminder:"Even though I've buckled under the strain, I choose to be a winner, I choose to be healthy" I feel good. Which is nothing short of a miracle. Tapping some more now. No Setup, just Reminder:"Don't let the ....... get you down" Tapping some more now. "Even though I have all this extra stress, I'll…
Allergy Therapist EFT Treatment

Allergy Therapist EFT Treatment

I kissed the cat and my lips started to swell. I am doing this treatment now with EFT to catch it before it goes further. It is important to stop all allergic reactions in their tracks, or my left lung will fill up and I literally start drowning in my own mucus and need more meds and get more ill etc. Much easier to treat with EFT at the first sign. Setup:"Even though I'm stressed with and , and that has brought up my allergic reaction, I deeply and totally love and accept myself, even when I am being a prat, I deeply love and accept myself, with all my faults and shortcomings, I love and accept myself" Reminder:"Cat allergy, lips swollen, stressed, ,admin, stress, , stress, immune system poised to fight, I look forward to next week when it's all over, stressed lips, stressed lips, immune system fighting, it feels cornered, no way out but to fight, immune system stressed, nice cat, lips swollen, lips, lips, cat allergy". Lips started to go down again. I'm calmer. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative…