Month: March 2006

Dry  Mouth EFT Tapping

Dry Mouth EFT Tapping

Woke up with a dry mouth. MyCP (a Buteyko method mesurement of carbon dioxide in your body) was 10, an overall improvement from when I started but way down on what it has been recently. I must have had my mouth open, as my mouth tape had gone. I think I removed it just before going to sleep. So here goes: Setup"Even though I've removed my mouth tape, I forgive myself" Reminder"Mustn't remove mouth tape" I keep catching myself shallow-breathing this morning. Setup"Even though I need to breathe from further down, from my diaphragm, I deeply love and accept myself" Reminder"Need to breathe from diaphragm" I notice that I find it very hard to breathe from deep down because I have a blockage in that part of my left lung, which hurts unless I shallow-breathe. Setup"Even though my left lung hurts, I deeply love and accept myself" Reminder"This pain in my left lung, this infection in my left lung"I notice that because of this blockage, I had been sleeping askew, hurting my neck and right shoulder, which now makes me shallow-breathe too .Setup"Even though my neck and shoulder hurts, I deeply love and…
Asthma Breathing Technique and EFT

Asthma Breathing Technique and EFT

Smokers lung is not nice. Now that I have removed probably all the emotional and most of the environmental influences that were stuck in my body, I felt last week that it was time to try the Buteyko breathing technique, used successfully for many asthmatics, with proven results in its country of origin, even for emphysema. With a twist - EFT for speedier results. I bought "Close Your Mouth" from and started using it straight away with EFT. EFT removes the emotional element of discomfort whilst doing the exercises. EFT also helped me with the resistance to taping my mouth at night. Fears that it was not attractive (my partner loved the peace, actually) were the worst, and tapping them out with EFT helped with any remaining distress from all those would-be partners when I first got ill that deserted me once they saw me cough blood in the morning. Not that I blame them. I just tapped silently on all the points while I was doing the exercises or about to or just after taping my mouth.There is a measure of progress in the Buteyko method called Control Pause. This is…