Month: June 2006

Buteyko and EFT helps this London EFT Practitioner

Buteyko and EFT helps this London EFT Practitioner

The Buteyko breathing re-training with EFT has resulted in that period of adjustment that I have been told of. I have also been busy with the new New Age London clinic in the City and have been stealing moments for the gym. So today, I was in the gym with plenty of time for exercise. I used EFT in the changing room just before going to the gym, just as I was wondering if I can go for a whole hour or maybe even two. I tapped on convenient EFT points that felt right, saying "two hours" until it felt right to be there for two hours. Then in the gym, I set the bike on 60 minutes and wondered whether I can do (less than) half my personal best this year - 6 minutes at 100 RPM. I did one minute at 100 RPM in my interval training, then after a while at 70, I did one more minute, then dropped speed again. Then it occured to me that I can do 4 minutes all in one go to get rid of the 6 minutes. It seemed impossible. So I EFTed all…