Month: July 2006

EFT and Buteyko work for this London EFT Practitioner

EFT and Buteyko work for this London EFT Practitioner

The EFT for nose-breathing (Buteyko) is still working. Last night I started getting a blocked nose in my sleep, which woke me up to deal with it. It is unusual for me to get a blocked nose now due to EFT.  I think it was because I am under pressure with a new marketing campaign at the moment, as well as having to find two new multi-skilled EFT practitioners. I lay on my side half-awake and simply tapped on the Outside of the Eye while closing the other nostril. I connected to the stress I am going through and the nostril opened. I moved my hand from my nose and noticed both sides were now open anyway. I fell asleep immediately. Breathing is something I used to take for granted, and it is so debilitating to lose this natural function. Do you know someone who needs help breathing better with less (or no) medication? Maybe I can help. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting…
EFT, Buteyko and Breathing  through my Nose

EFT, Buteyko and Breathing through my Nose

I have the results of combining EFT with Buteyko breathing techniques from last night! Just before going to sleep, I tapped on the Top of the Head Under the Eye, and on the Collarbone (easy to reach when you're falling asleep):"I sleep with my mouth closed." I fell asleep tapping. At several times in the night, I got up and blew my nose, readjusted my position, readjusted the pillows or drank some water. I realised that I had only woken up because I was starting to breathe from my mouth. The EFT made it so uncomfortable for me to breathe from my mouth that by the morning, my breathing was as if I had my mouth taped. I did miss sleeping straight through though, as I would have done with the tape over my mouth (a Buteyko thing, please read previous posts). However, the EFT kept me safe, and that's great! I am still amazed by the different ways that EFT works. Breathing is something I used to take for granted, and it is so debilitating to lose this natural function.Do you know someone who needs help breathing? Maybe I can help. When…
London Smog, EFT, Buteyko,  IPL

London Smog, EFT, Buteyko, IPL

I am going for IPL Laser hair-removal treatment next Monday. Upset, now that I have figured out the relevance:"Even though being mis-diagnosed and given steroids that gave me unfeminine hair, I deeply accept myself. I forgive myself for taking steroids even as late as early last year, when I should have known better. I can never forgive the doctors and medical staff because what they did was totally wrong, but I can let go of this blame. Even though I'm sad that my body has been disfigured and distorted, my skin stretched, thick black hair where a woman has no such thing, my weight rocketed, I accept myself, I allow myself to heal." I started at the Sore Spot and carried on at the Top of The Head, then Collarbone. I know I'll feel even better after the IPL hair reduction treatment. Anyway, I've been unable to tape my mouth because the tape takes the hair out from around my mouth, and it has to be there to be zapped by the laser. My breathing has definitely been affected. Tonight, I will tap for sleeping with a closed mouth without the need for…
EFT and Buteyko for Hayfever and Lung  Disease

EFT and Buteyko for Hayfever and Lung Disease

Buteyko breathing re-training involves taping your mouth at night if you can't help breathing through it. It makes sense that if you are asthmatic, have hayfever, lung disease, etc and have trained to breathe through your nose all day that you carry on the good work at night. My partner had developed hayfever, and despite some desensitisation with EFT, still had a residual block in the sinuses. This led to snoring, which meant that I couldn't sleep properly. So we have recently both taken to taping our mouths at night. Taping your mouth is quite a frightening thing to do, as it comes against our natural instinct. So we each had to use EFT at the beginning in order to feel good about it.When the emotions are so much in the present, you don't need words. No Reminder phrase. All you need to do is to tap on all the EFT points you can remember/reach/comfortably tap on and keep tapping till you feel good. If you are trying to do this and feel a resistance to EFT, all you need to do is start with the Setup phrase: "Even though I feel like…