Month: September 2006

Worry, the Immune system, and EFT

Worry, the Immune system, and EFT

I am a London EFT practitioner in the process of overcoming my chronic disease, for those of you new to this blog. If you are already a visitor, welcome and thank you for visiting my EFT blog again. Any amount of stress has the potential to adversely affect the immune system.I have been experiencing some stress from having to pay a reasonably large tax bill. My muscles were more sore from the gym than expected, so I massaged them as I said "I can do this", rubbing EFT points along the way. The muscles softened, and I was ready for a new day. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health.--Disclaimer - You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Our…
Work Stress Relief with EFT

Work Stress Relief with EFT

I am a London EFT practitioner in the process of overcoming my chronic disease, for those of you new to this blog. If you are already a visitor, welcome and thank you for visiting my EFT blog again. Enjoy your stay. EFT for any serious physical condition requires the release of emotional stress. Over and over again as new stresses occur. I had been under considerable stress at the new clinic, having to learn many clinic staffing strategies fast and making mistakes along the way. Today I had a meeting which had been playing on my mind so much, I was too freaked out to tap properly beforehand (it happens to us EFT practitioners too).After the meeting, I did a relaxing workout at the gym, after which I did stretches, and with each stretch repeating "It's now safe to let go of this". I felt the release go through me as the stretches progressed. In the shower, I tapped. And after a short sauna, I had another shower, lay down on a recliner chair, and rubbed my finger points. I kept repeating "it's safe to let go now". Still repeating this, I rubbed…