Month: September 2008

Stress and EFT for stress-relief

Stress and EFT for stress-relief

Having planned a teleclass for several months, taken all sorts of training, and run many checks, the date finally came. Oh, and I used to work for a company that did teleconferences, which I did twice a week, several years ago. So you would think that I knew what I was doing. Not so. There is a reason why people pay for a teleconference provider, and I should have hired a paid service.Anyway, everything went wrong, as I could not enter the class. I tapped on every EFT point I could find as I cried my heart out to my other half. Today, I am calm and getting on with the business of carrying out sessions rather than constantly berating myself. I learned a lesson in teleclass services provision that is now firmly etched in my mind, and the associated negative emotions are gone.When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly…