Month: March 2009



Now after posting the last tapping, a calm has enveloped me. I grew up a Half-Palestinian in the Lebanon, and have always loved both Israelis and Palestinians equally. I know it will happen here too. And I remember that the wonderful white South African ladies who called yesterday were very nice and respectful of my earning a living. I can't tar everyone with the same brush. Rather, I now want to expect and invite good treatment from all WSAW. My EFT Mantra for the day:"I deserve, expect, invite and attract respect from WSAW"And that's OK" When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health. ---Disclaimer - You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Our use of systems that are trademarked or…
Apartheid Horror

Apartheid Horror

Oh dear, yet again I lose a call to a torrent of abuse. There is a way to talk to sensitive clients without allowing them to abuse me, but it's about getting that balance right. The first call this morning, as soon as I started my sales patter, I got a torrent of abuse. So I tapped, discussed it with my spouse, who advised me to smile as I talk, as I was not smiling and my tone of voice came over more harsh than friendly. Then I remembered a call, where I called a lady to offer her a very special offer, a huge discount of an eighth of the amount. She told me that she had just been on holiday with her husband and several children to a destination which is known to be very expensive to travel to. As I was telling her I wanted to make her a very attractive offer, if she could attend the course and fill the one empty place for me, she freaked out completely. I said "Don't you want to know what the offer is?" to which she retorted with a torrent of abuse.…
Money Worry

Money Worry

My spouse in low on contracts at the moment, so I am the main breadwinner. I work from home at the moment, saving up for getting an office in September. Now, my working from home is threatened by work fixing the building we are in, so I need to pay for one month's rent plus one month in advance for an office months before I have the money, and I worry where it will come from. Tapping... Setup "Even though I'm so worried, and how am I going to raise the money to get an office at this rate, I ask for the Universe for guidance. I worry, but I'm willing to find new solutions. I still worry, I accept myself anyway." Reminder" Worry" It went from a 10 to a 2.5. I don't think it can go lower right now, but I've already had insights to use. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose…
Abusive phonecall

Abusive phonecall

A phonecall with a potential client turned into a sudden, unjustified torrent of verbal abuse in my direction. I know that some of my potential clients have somewhat extreme anger issues, and my training has been to deal with such events safely and calmly, but I was certainly not expecting this. I reacted quickly and calmly, ended the conversation politely, but was quite shaken afterwards.Since then, I have had 2 EFT client sessions, and I'm calmer. But I saw a posting I did on Facebook and it's so defensive. So I started tapping on my head and got a 3-4 for the phonecall. More like a 4. Setup "Even though I'm so upset, why treat me like this, I deeply love myself" "Even though I cannot forgive this , I love myself anyway" "Even though s/he said x, I deeply love and accept myself" Reminder "X" Now a 3 1/2. Setup "Even though I cannot forgive this , I love myself anyway" Reminder "I cannot forgive this " "S/he's a hypocrite" This daisy-chained to when I was in the UK, a South African called me for allergy investigation for her child, and I…
Feeling unsettled and premenstrual

Feeling unsettled and premenstrual

Setup "Even though I'm unsettled and worrying for no real reason, I deeply love and accept myself" "Even though I want to cry and scream, I deeply love and accept myself" "Even though I have a week of this ahead, I deeply love and accept myself" Reminder"Premenstrual and very tense" Feeling a bit better, phewwwww........... When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health.--- Disclaimer - You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Our use of systems that are trademarked or have a registered trademark represents our views and not necessarily those of the trademark owners.
I lost more weight!

I lost more weight!

So, thanks to EFT, I've lost another 650g! And I have been eating butter, potatoes, olive oil, fried chicken, chocolate, fruit, fish, you name it (OK, I admit it was the best butter, the best chocolate, etc, but still, I've been eating all I like). The difference between previous times and now was that my spouse was not 100% on board with my plans, eg budget, work, etc, and now, via EFT, this has completely turned around. So I am eating less, because I no longer feel unsupported in the relationship. EFT works in strange ways. And I really hope I will never have to take steroids again, because then I will put on weight again. But I have tapped on that possibility and feel a lot calmer about it. It was kind of like why bother if I'm only going to put it all back on again. Now I feel more positive, especially since I have made real efforts to have a healthier life in a new country. I'm also more in control of my health and any needed medication and so am unlikely to need steroids in the near future. Of…
I lost weight!

I lost weight!

OK, third posting today. I thought, here I am with all the doors and windows closed (due to another fire), nothing planned except going swimming (can't, due to the fire), so... It's an opportunity to tap. I have, without dieting or anything, and despite having been very inactive for about a month recently, lost weight. I have lost 850g to be exact, since my wedding in December, and that is great. That is wonderful. Tomorrow I go to the gym again, fires permitting,Tapping: "Even though I'm scared I won't have lost any more, that's OK.""Even though I don't want to build my hopes up, in case I get ill and have to take fattening meds again..." "Even though this weight loss is slow, I remember that it is right for me, and even though that doesn't feel good enough, I forgive myself, I forgive others involved in this, I choose to take one day at a time." ", I deeply accept myself." I can feel and see myself doing this, on the scales tomorrow. I hope to have lost another 150g. Any more is a bonus. When you have a chronic physical condition,…
Fires in Cape Town

Fires in Cape Town

There have been 2-3 big fires in Cape Town every week for the last month or so. Every day that there is a fire we have to close all our windows and doors, keep the cat in, then clean our patio, patio furniture and windows the next day, amongst other problems. So I have been tapping whilst discussing with my other half about these fires. I tap on my CollarBone, or I tap my Thumb against a table as we talk.The result of this tapping is that I have decided to move further away from the centre of Cape Town except for 2-3 days' work a day, so I will be getting an office in the CBD or Southern Suburbs area as a clinic I attend 2-3 days a week. I will be doing this in August after my trip to the UK. Then we will be moving in October when our lease is up. I have looked at different areas, done the budget, worked out my options, and have Plan A, Plan B, etc all worked out. Calmly and healthily.Thank you Gary Craig for EFT! When you have a chronic physical condition,…