Month: June 2009

Telesales fear overcome

Telesales fear overcome

A couple of days ago, I did some telesales with positive results. All good and well. Then, one of the people I called gave me a contact to call that can help me. I said thank you and called. This person I called proceeded to tell me that I was possibly breaking the law about something, and that I must take her very long and expensive course etc etc etc or I'll be locked up etc, and that I must do this ethnic black stuff (which sounded racist to me - she's white), and all sorts of scary stuff. I then spoke to someone helping me promote and get recognition for my training workshops in South Africa, who said yes I could be on the wrong side of the law with one word I was using in the description of what I do for my personal one-to-one hypnosis sessions, and that I have to change that word. She gave me a contact, which I called, and they helped me further. As a result, I spent every spare and supposedly leisure hour yesterday fixing my web presence to remove that one word. I was…
Recession solved by EFT

Recession solved by EFT

On the last day or so of May, the South African government decided to release on national TV the news that South Africa was now officially in recession. Well, I got 9 cancellations as a result straightaway and was in serious financial trouble at a time of the month when all payments were going out, with no leeway whatsoever. I worried so much about paying the rent I got a migraine and had to take something for it. I have only once before had a migraine, when I had a weird flu many years ago. When I woke up, I cried and tapped, thought and tapped, talked and tapped, and worried and tapped. I worried so much, I found myself comfort-eating, despite my EFT affirmations. Still, I tapped and observed. I tapped and opened my whole being to guidance. As a result, I got many business ideas come to me. I have implemented three of them already, and although we paid the rent late today, it was purely because of these new ideas that we had the money, a quick turnaround of our finances in literally about a week. All it took was…
Panic as recession hits South Africa

Panic as recession hits South Africa

My potential clients are panicking as the recession hits South Africa now. Since it has been announced on TV, I have had seven cancellations in a week. Tapping: "Even though I'm worried, I ask the universe to show me the way" Result: Lots of yawning, feeling calmer, more ready to carry on.   When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health.-------Disclaimer - You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty therapy. Our use of systems that are trademarked or have a registered trademark represents our views and not necessarily those of the trademark owners.