Month: September 2009

Wrongly accused of theft

Wrongly accused of theft

I have just come off the phone to the tax office helpline in the UK for some tax I have yet to file 2 years late. Now, I have done a disproportionately huge amount of work on this, and worried so much about it and tapped and tapped and calculated and documented - for such a small tax amount. And I figured out now why it's such a big deal. I'm afraid of getting it wrong and be accused of fraud. Like the time when I first became ill and was on so much medication, I lost my job working at the till and was accused of fraud. I thought I had tapped on this, but I guess I had missed this one aspect. An 8 out of 10 right now. Tapping something like: "Even though I got it wrong and was accused of fraud..." "Even though I was accused of theft..." "Even though my work life was changed forever from that day..." "Even though I could not keep any job for long, I was too ill..." "Even though I was accused of theft..." "Even though the money was coming at me fast…
Guilt EFT Tapping

Guilt EFT Tapping

Today is the third day I have flu. It hit me on Saturday, when I came home from a meeting, I spent all day yesterday in bed (even managed two phone appointments from bed), and today, I canceled my in-person appointments. Although I am rearranging them, I feel terribly guilty. Setup: "Even though I have the flu, and I feel I can't forgive myself, I accept myself anyway" "Even though I'm guilty, I should have protected myself better against flu, I accept myself anyway" "Even though I feel guilty, I accept myself and fight the flu" Reminder: "Guilty" Setup:"Even though I have the flu, I love myself anyway" "Even though I'm guilty, I should have protected myself better against flu, I love myself, I will protect better next time" "Even though I feel guilty, I accept myself and fight the flu" Reminder:"I forgive myself and fight the flu" Result: No guilt! I feel stronger too - less dizzy! When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting…
Reiki-EFT for increased gym performance

Reiki-EFT for increased gym performance

Yesterday in the gym, I was able to lift at least 0.5 kg more than the last time, when it was a struggle. All other factors being equal, this is what I did that was different... When I could tap as I lifted, say by tapping the finger points against a bar, I just tapped as I visualized the task ahead. When I couldn't physically tap, I channeled Reiki through my Crown, or the EFT Top of Head point, through to all the EFT points, and then out through the soles of my feet, like a constant stream, as I said whatever statement like "This is really hard, I DEEPLY accept myself". Through this tapping, I was not only able to take more weight (muscle-building), but also was able to take more reps (stamina and strength). With most things, I managed 15 reps instead of my usual 12. I was on one machine which could trigger an old injury if I was not careful, and I was afraid of adding weight. But I knew that the fear could alter my posture and cause the injury. So I tapped the finger points on the…
Nazis are nicer in books

Nazis are nicer in books

Oh goodness, there is some Nazi legacy from my newly adopted country's past. When it was something I read about in books from the comfort of my British home, or from the relative safety of my Lebanese upbringing, it was far-removed. But here in this country of my spouse, oh, I'm honored they let me stay but when I meet the odd Nazi, it is still such a shock. I tapped and tapped and tapped today and I am calmer about a Nazi incident, but I am tired tapping, and it is only down to a 4 from a 10. I will have a rest and tomorrow will come back here and tap some more, as I know it is not helpful for me to carry this pain and shock. Or maybe I'll tap now... OK... Tapping: "Even though .... is a Nazi and it shocks me to the core, I wish ... love" "Even though ..... the Nazi attacked me, I wish ... love."    Result: Down to a 3. Tapping: "Nazi, I choose to channel love to ... anyway, love unconditional, and ... can choose to accept it or not, I…