Month: February 2010

EFT Practitioner Morning EFT

EFT Practitioner Morning EFT

I find that when I have a challenging day ahead, tapping first thing really helps. Setup: "Even though I dread getting disappointed today, with yet another day with no time for the gym, I deeply love and accept myself.  Even though I'm afraid my gym kit will remain unused in my bag, and I'll miss out on precious 'me time', I love myself anyway.  Even though I still have system issues and I will probably be talking to one supplier after another trying to resolve it all day, I accept myself anyway" Reminder: "I can have 'me time' tomorrow, if it happens today, that's a bonus." Result: Feeling much better now  and ready to go. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health. ---EFT with Me, Suzanne Zacharia, Practitioner ---Disclaimer - You are…
Stuck and Frustrated

Stuck and Frustrated

I am stuck at my home office, where I have been for the past two days, up to my ears in admin that simply cannot wait, and unexpected surprises.  I have not been able to go to the gym yesterday, which I had promised myself, and today's visit is looking increasingly unlikely. Setup: "Even though I am stuck and frustrated and angry at myself for not seeing that email , I maybe can accept myself, oh alright, I accept myself anyway, I choose to love, accept and forgive myself" Reminder: "I ask for new solutions to this problem. I deserve my time off, my hobby, I have more than earned it. I ask the Universe to show me a way".... Crying, not of sadness, but my way of finally releasing all this pent-up frustration doing desk work for almost two days solid......Looking at my diary to find solutions...Well, if I can't make the gym this morning, I have a half-hour window of opportunity tonight.  Not quite what I want, but it is something I can aim for. My reward for doing this desk work. Frustration now down to 6. Tapping: "ET I'm frustrated…