Month: January 2011

Chest Infection and Running

Chest Infection and Running

I have a slight chest infection. And If I were to go to the doctor with every chest infection, I would be there once every two months. I cannot take the stronger medications that the doc can give me, due to side effects, so I continue my fitness regime in order to strengthen my lungs. And I ran out of colloidal silver, which I use sparingly, maybe one week a month, in order to control chest infections. At the moment, my optimal chest health is essential. I am training for a half-marathon (something I would never have dreamed of doing before learning EFT), and my training has slipped back with this infection. I am back to running only 30 minutes at any one time. Yesterday, I ran by the beach whilst rubbing the finger points (since I couldnĀ“t tap in public) and simply kept pondering my dilemma over and over again asI rubed (alternative to tapping). I had bought olive leaf extract simply because my spouse can take it and not the silver (we both have a slight chest infection). The rubbing whilst focusing on my issue helped me with a great insight.…