Month: November 2014

EFT Tapping Away A Traumatic Let-Down

EFT Tapping Away A Traumatic Let-Down

If you have a traumatic feeling or a let-down that is upsetting you, just tap along. Even if you are hard of hearing, just tap along as you think about what's upsetting you, until you feel calmer. When you have a chronic physical condition, anything that either emotionally or physically has a negative impact on you can make the condition worse. EFT is one way of throwing away the emotional rubbish collecting in your system. In the same way that we dispose of our household rubbish regularly for home cleanliness and hygiene, I use EFT to dispose of negative emotions for my optimal physical health. I call an emotion anything that your mind or body says to you, from fear to constricted airways. My health was not always as good as this. Please go back to around 2005 on this blog to get to the worst postings (when I was often bed-ridden, unable to breathe enough to get out of bed), if you are looking for how to tap for those really bad days of health. ---  Disclaimer - You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course…