Month: August 2015

Pyroluria – EFT for the diagnosis and prognosis shock

Pyroluria – EFT for the diagnosis and prognosis shock

It seems I have Pyroluria, where the blood has too much kryptopyrrole, which removes 2 essential nutrients from the body - B6 and zinc. This explains in part why the tissue inside my left lung scarred so badly, although that is just supposition. It was disheartening, however, after getting so much better with my left lung and releasing so many health challenges, allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities, to find out that I have a hereditary disease. So I did what most people do and read up about it - only with one exception: I tapped on all the EFT points that I usually use whilst reading. This made the whole process of finding out and coming to terms with the issue much easier. The shock has left me, and I am now at peace. In fact, I feel much calmer since I have been taking the required supplementation. I also tapped for worry about being able to always obtain supplements easily, rather than have to fight with doctors or pay huge sums of money for regular prescriptions. I am going back to the UK for good and not sure how easily I can get…