Month: May 2019

Ju Jitsu My New Sport For My Lung

Ju Jitsu My New Sport For My Lung

Ju Jitsu My New Sport and So Much Tapping! I have been doing Ju Jitsu now for just over a year.  And every week, I have to build strength and flexibility for the upcoming class. It has been hard work in the last 5 months due to my poor left lung suffering after contracting a virus in January.  In this morning's workout, I tapped. This was whilst holding weights and tapping with whatever finger points were available.  Setup; "Even though I have this shame catching up with the others, I deeply love and accept myself". Reminder: "This shame". I managed to keep going in my second fitness class and now I am stretching as I write. No numbers, just motivated. EFT Tapping Blog - For My Health  Any unhappy emotions, such as shame, can adversely affect our health. I walk the talk. Please go back to around 2005 on this personal healing blog to get to the worst postings (when I was often bed-ridden, unable to breathe enough to get out of bed), if you are looking for how to tap for those really bad days of health. EFT Tapping Short Blog Posts Disclaimer…
Business Regrets And Moving Forward

Business Regrets And Moving Forward

Business Regrets Hampering Progress Halfway through my work day, I am stopped in my tracks by heavy regtets about the business decisions I had made back in 2016 upon returning to the UK. So I tapped: Setup; "Even though I have these business regrets, I just want to move forward". Reminder: "Business regrets". After a few rounds, I am happily moving forward and making this posting!   No numbers, just feeling a calm and productive. EFT Tapping Blog - For My Health  Any unhappy emotions can adversely affect our health. I walk the talk. Please go back to around 2005 on this personal healing blog to get to the worst postings (when I was often bed-ridden, unable to breathe enough to get out of bed), if you are looking for how to tap for those really bad days of health. EFT Tapping Short Blog Posts Disclaimer You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty modality. Whilst EFT has produced great results for many clients, there is no guarantee you will :) Our use of systems that are trademarked or have a registered trademark…
Hashimoto Thyroid Antibodies Halved

Hashimoto Thyroid Antibodies Halved

Hashimoto Thyroid Antibodies Halved After my previous blood test found Hashimoto's, with antibodies through the roof, I took control and made the time almost daily to help my thyroid. I used EFT, Reiki, Allergy Antidotes, and color healing, and the latest blood test shows the antibodies have halved.  How I tapped for Hashimoto's Almost daily, I sent Reiki healing to my thyroid, as I rubbed two EFT finger points (I was in public) and said in my head "I accept my thyroid, I love my thyroid". When at home with more time, I would put one hand on my thyroid and another on the thyroxine tablets and say "I accept my thyroid, I accept all forms of thyroxine". And then I would tap briefly one short round of the same. Whenever I had more time, I would send blue healing to my thyroid, the color of the throat chakra, as I have been now in a situation where I often cannot speak my truth; since mid-2015, and especially since 2016, with no end in sight for the near future. We live in a world that is toxic and full of trials and tribulations,…