Month: March 2020

Back After Flu and Injuries

Back After Flu and Injuries

Back to Rebuilding My Lungs After Flu And Injuries I was back to Spin today after flu (with the unavoidable chest infection, since I have COPD). It was hard, and tapping helped me to accept that I do a third of my usual gears and half my usual speed. Then I practised my Ju Jitsu, getting ready for next weekend, when I rejoin the Ju Jitsu class. I had tapped for days on my fear of going back having forgotten everything since my injuries 6 months ago.  It took about 6 days of tapping! But today, I calmly revised my Ju Jitsu and resolved to ask the Sensei to allow me to repeat the things I had forgotten, and to trust Sensei's direction and advice. I feel at peace. At last! The tapping I did was just tapping on all the points as I talked the panic talk in my head.  Simple. It worked for me.  EFT Tapping For A Chronic Condition - Why I Need To Exercise as Well as Tapping  EFT Tapping is great and important for my emotional and physical health. However, some people are under the mistaken assumption that…