Strange EFT Result and New Tapping

Strange EFT Result and New Tapping

Strange EFT Tapping Result - Why? This morning, I got up to continue yesterday's tapping. But the emotion was gone. So, why is that? I think the tapping that I did subsequently with yesterday's client removed the last vestiges of the negative emotions, because we were tapping on a similar issue with the client. It is just one of those strange results with EFT Tapping! Today's Negative Emotion I am towards the end of one marketing campaign and dread part of the day's activities. I have to meet in person people who are coming for fun rather than genuine curiosity, and the company marketing on my behalf must be doing something different recently, as most people they have sent my way took a fun cheapie and had no interest in finding out more. They are already booked in, and most therapists I know, and certainly myself in the past, before I had to re-establish my business, would not lower themselves to this level, and it hurts. I have taken steps to stop this happening, but these are the remainders from some time ago that I simply have to see now. the dread feeling…
Fear and Self-Sabotage

Fear and Self-Sabotage

EFT Tapping for Fear of Moving Forward I have been through an awful lot in the past 3 years. To cut a long story short, I lost my fight to stay with my spouse in my spouse's country, lost my home, my car, my business, my office, my income, everything, despite having hired very good professional to help me do what I thought was a simple visa application, which I finally won the legal battle for, but not till after losing everything and going back to my country homeless for 7 months whilst I rebuilt everything pretty much from scratch. Along the way, I have faced many challenges, overcome most of them, but part of me is still broken, and the great healer and author in me who was much appreciated by many is still struggling to re-emerge, as many practical tasks to be completed are still outstanding, and I have spent too much time simply surviving. Part of me is still too much in survival mode. And that is creating a fear of moving forward. As I say "survival mode", I feel a negative emotion in my chest and throat of about…
Inhalers Now Available At UK Chemists, Tapping For New Calm

Inhalers Now Available At UK Chemists, Tapping For New Calm

EFT Tapping for Trauma I broke down at the pharmacist, because the gestspo-like UK doctor's clinic did not issue a repeat prescription for inhalers that I may need to continue recovering from this 5.5 month COPD complication. Then the pharmacist's assistant told me that due to a change in law only recently, they can sell the medicine to me over the counter instead. I was elated and bought 2. Now back home, suddenly the trauma of having had to suffer personally, quality of life, my weight, socially, and financially, it all came to the surface, now that the Gestapo UK doctors can no longer decide that I have to suffer in this way. It's like I have held this pain and trauma in for so long and now can finally release it. I feel trauma on the scale of 10-0 of 12. I have a client in 15 minutes. I have to get calmer. So I tap: Setup: "$/#/# ^$_#@ Gestapo doctors, now they no longer control my life, but I am very traumatised. I so want to feel better". "€%€$$ %$^%^ Gestapo doctors". Which changed to: "They no longer control my life". Down…
Come Home Baby, Come Home

Come Home Baby, Come Home

Come Home Baby, Come Home I have just done the first 1km run after the year of helping knee injury followed by 5 months of COPD complications. I am so proud! It may not be the 21km I am used to, but it was an effort and an achievement.  I started by walking and doing Buteyko breathing exercises, which set me up for the run. Then as I was on 0.58 I'm, I knew tapping was the only way. All of a sudden, there was a warm, welcoming energy at the 1 km finishing line, as I kept tapping "Come home, baby, come home". I came home. I am home. I am happy. Ecstatic! EFT and Buteyko Personal Use On My COPD Blog Today's score is: Suzanne 1, COPD Nil, 0, a big fat zero! I am getting my health back again. I walk the talk. Please go back to around 2005 on this personal healing blog to get to the worst postings (when I was often bed-ridden, unable to breathe enough to get out of bed), if you are looking for how to tap for those really bad days of health. Like My…
Candida Gone, Getting Fit For Ju Jitsu

Candida Gone, Getting Fit For Ju Jitsu

Candida Gone, Now Eating Less and Working Out More For Ju Jitsu, my new sport, I have to become lighter and stronger. It took a while to get there. First, I battled with injuries. Next, I battled with COPD, which for 5 months was winning. Next, I got an overgrowth of Candida, due to the meds to get rid of the COPD extra challenges. Beating the Candida overgrowth got rid of car s cravings and feeling too depressed to work out or walk enough. Result! I tapped several times a day "Even though I have this Candida, I fight the Candida and fully accept myself." Setup and Reminder in one. I also took Candida controlling natural herbs for 3 weeks. Now I am losing both the voracious appetite and the low mood. I walk to or from work at least twice a week, and I enjoy all sorts of strengthening and lightening exercises, from Yoga and Pilates to Spin and running on the elliptical machine.  EFT Tapping For Candida and Sport, Why this on a COPD blog? Candida made me fat and deprrssed. I need to be slim and motivayed, in order to…
High Blood Pressure Tapped Down Again

High Blood Pressure Tapped Down Again

High Blood Pressure Due To Work Pressure Tapped Away  I woke up and did my banking first thing, as I always do. I was reminded all too well that I had depleted all my savings with 5 months of COPD problems. I am now over that and regaining my health. But the savings were there to carry my business through the usually quiet summer months. So the first blood pressure I took was still lower than it had been some weeks ago but too high for me: Then I tapped saying the number I would like it to be, and wham! I instantly realized I was worried about how I had to quickly replenish my savings.  So I tapped on that subject instead. This was the result: I tried to make the images the right way up but decided it was pressure I did not need this morning. I have 5 months' work to catch up with and am raring to go! EFT Tapping For Natural Blood Pressure Control Hypertension is a sign from your body that you have the wrong lifestyle or are way too stressed. It is a stark choice between…
High Blood Pressure Goes Nicely Low Again

High Blood Pressure Goes Nicely Low Again

High Blood Pressure EFT Tapping Motivates me through Diet And Exercise with Ease and NO Deprivation Feelings at All Yesterday, I did a Body Pump class after checking my blood pressure was good enough to take increased weights. We are only talking 10-7 kgs here, by the way, instead of my usual 8-5. Then I did cardiovascular stuff on the machines as I tapped regularly "Stronger and lighter", my new EFT mantra to keep me motivated. I only did 2 Hours in total. Oh, and apart from the mistake of coffee in the morning, I did it on an empty tummy (intermittent fasting).  This is the result this morning, and I have no intention of hitting the coffee today as yet. This is much more my normal blood pressure. It can get lower. I do not care one iota what it "should be" for my age. I know it can get lower and that this is my normal. I will keep going. Stronger and Lighter and much happier! 8 I got the tapping to one point only (any point I can access in public will do) one simple statement: "Stronger and lighter." No…
High Blood Pressure Reduced with EFT in Minutes

High Blood Pressure Reduced with EFT in Minutes

High Blood Pressure First Thing This Morning And I know why. Yesterday evening and night, I felt very pressurised by 2 situations: 1. I got my spouse the wrong birthday present and was very worried how to fix the mistake. 2. A big issue at work I was under pressure to resolve.   So I tap: On issue1, I feel a 13 out of 10 pressure. No wonder my blood pressure is through the roof. I also remember drinking a lot of coffee this morning. Ooops! Setup: "Even though I bought my spouse the wrong present, because I did not insist on trying a pair (of special shoes) on first, and because I was rushed for time to get back to work, I want to forgive myself, even though I currently cannot" (Wow, the words that came out if my mouth. I had no idea I felt this way) Reminder: "I want to forgive myself for the shoddy way I bought this special petson what was supposed to be a special birthday present". Down to 4.7 out of 10. Setup: "Even though I am recovering from the financial effects of 5 months of…
High Blood Pressure EFT Simple Mantra

High Blood Pressure EFT Simple Mantra

High Blood Pressure EFT Tapping Simple Statement Just about 2 weeks after starting my blood pressure regime, it is normal again. Below the high normal range. Within the nice healthy normal range. And here is the picture from just now. 8 I have been and continue tapping, to become stronger, fitter, and lighter. One additional motivation is my Ju Jitsu practice, which is now a semi-professional sport for me, but I had been too heavy, and my ailing blood pressure was stopping me in my tracks and hampering progress. Plus, I needed to quickly get the blood pressure under control, so I did not have to take medication with nasty side effects. Medication is necessary for hypertension, otherwise the body organs suffer. So I have been tapping to eat clean, not always managing it but managing it more each day, and tapping for exercise motivation. Yesterday, I did 5 classes at the gym plus a 12 minute run on the elliptical machine (my knee is still healing from a torn cartilage). And I got the tapping to one point only (any point I can access in public will do)? And one simple statement:…
Self critical negative thinking

Self critical negative thinking

Self critical negative thinking I made an unreasonable but needed demand colleague just now, due to a mistake I had made which needed correcting asap. I cannot stop that feeling of failure and shame and those negative thoughts. On a scale of 10 to 0, they are a 12. So I tap. Setup: "Even though I'm a useless demanding failure, I deeply love and accept myself" Reminder: "Demanding and a failure" SUDS out of 10: 12, 5, 4, 1, 0. Now I can carry on with my day. EFT Tapping For Critical Negative Thinking - Why This Post? It is important to release any stress. Stress can push you over the edge and make you sick, as has been commonly known for many years. EFT is essential for me to relieve stress. I love this blog, because it helps me be focused on my health. My health was not always as good as this. Please go back to around 2005 on this personal healing blog to get to the worst postings (when I was often bed-ridden, unable to breathe enough to get out of bed), if you are looking for how to…